Battista Cappelletti’s Blog
Explore a curated selection of readings on the law of treaties.
The Oxford Guide to Treaties – Hollis
The Oxford Guide to Treaties is the authoritative reference point for anyone studying or involved in the creation or interpretation of treaties and other forms of international agreement. For centuries, treaties have regulated relations among nation states. Today, they are the dominant source of international law. From trade relations to greenhouse gases, from shipwrecks to…
Research Handbook on the Law of Treaties – Tams, Tzanakopoulos, and Zimmerman
The Research Handbook on the Law of Treaties provides an authoritative treatment of fundamental issues in international treaty law. Identifying key challenges facing the modern law of treaties, the Handbook addresses the current regime and comments on potential directions of the law. Rather than an article-by-article commentary on provisions applicable to treaties, the Handbook offers…
Treaty Interpretation – Gardiner
The rules of treaty interpretation codified in the ‘Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties’ now apply to virtually all treaties, in an international context as well as within national legal systems, where treaties have an impact on a large and growing range of matters. The rules of treaty interpretation differ somewhat from typical rules…